Session 1: Most woman never had a maturity conversation with their mothers. We grew up with a lack of information and at best has to figure out how to confront our bodies. At worse we experienced shame around being a woman, developing, menstruation and hormones.
It is so important to have these conversations with our daughters and to be able to give them real and reassuring information.
This opening class will fill you with wonder and relief as Devora and Rivka Malka share their expertise with you. You will get an in depth understanding of Puberty and body changes as well as the emotional shifts that your daughter is facing.
Session 2: This session is all about biology. Get ready to learn about being a woman ina whole new way. This class covers feminine changes from the inside heart. Knowledge is power. You cannot speak to your daughter if you don’t know your facts.
This class will give you gentle yet clear language to explain everything from pimples and deodorant to new emotions and interests. We’ll talk about these things scientifically, practically and emotionally. This may be the conversation you’ve needed to hear before having a conversation with your daughter.
Session 3: This session is all about relationship and how, when and where to speak to your daughter. Well cover body image and to how convey a healthy sense of self to her. We’ll talk about how to answer her questions, what you should be concerned about, and how to approach the most delicate of topics. You’ll have a chance to role play and practice as well. This session will empower you to be the mother you always wanted to be.
Session 4: This multifaceted session will help you to address the topics that you need to speak about to protect your daughter. You’ll learn what girls are up to at this age and how to arm your daughter with inner protection so that she can understand about holding her boundaries. As in all the classes we will cover lots of hashkafa and hadracha. Be prepared for lots of information.
Half of this class is devoted to your questions so please be prepared to send them in or to ask them live. We learn best from real examples and we’re excited to help you with your topic.
Rivka Malka is an international speaker known for her energizing, uplifting inspiration. Following a near death experience she opened
Rivka Malka’s school of Coaching and Transformation. Through her school, workshops and online presence she guides women to heal from their past, rewrite their story, and discover their life mission.
She often teaches together her sister Devora on all matters of marriage, intimacy and femininity.
You can reach her at to set up an appointment or find out about the coaching school.
What will this course give me that I can’t find in a book?
This course is filled with hashkafa, real life examples and lots of laughs!
What make a this course special?
This course is unique in that it is taught by 2 sisters. Their complementary approach is something that audiences love as they learn so much from it. Additionally, this course is extremely comprehensive, like a one stop shop for mothering, communication, information and the feminine journey.
When is the eneta time to take this course?
If you have a daughter age 8 or above we would highly recommend this course. Children are developing at younger ages these days. Additionally they are easily exposed to misinformation. It is best to be prepared and confident as she grows. If your child is a teenager than it is definitely a great time to take this course. Anytime up until her marriage and perhaps beyond, this course will be helpful and informative.
Rivka Malka is an international speaker known for her energizing, uplifting inspiration. Following a near death experience she opened
Rivka Malka’s school of Coaching and Transformation. Through her school, workshops and online presence she guides women to heal from their past, rewrite their story, and discover their life mission.
She often teaches together her sister Devora on all matters of marriage, intimacy and femininity.
You can reach her at to set up an appointment or find out about the coaching school.
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