Chana Gittle Deray
Her popular articles in The N’Shei Chabad Newsletter, Chabad.org, Mikvah.org, The Jewish Press , Aish.com, and other print and online publications, give women a reason to celebrate their role as the mainstay of the Jewish home, exploring the many tools Hashem has given them for endless joy, purpose and power in that role. She is a beloved friend to her readership – a friend with whom to laugh about life, cry joyful tears of gratitude, and journey into the work world. As a Certified Transformational Life Coach , Chana Gittle knows that life is messy. Sometimes you need a safe and supportive friend to walk the journey with you. Someone with the tools and wisdom to help you find and create your own beautiful dream. It is one of Chana Gittle’s greatest privileges to be that person. She is also a provider for SANE .
Chana Gittle’s classes, Finding Joy in the Chaos bring women together as a community, to learn the tools and perspectives they need to create marriages and homes that are foundations for closeness, love, strength and blessing, while supporting one another, and having a fun time doing it.
As a facilitator for Pensylvania Women Work, Chana Gittle taught and mentored women from all backgrounds on taking the next steps in life as they transitioned back into the work world.
Chana Gittle is the Founder of Woman2Woman Toastmasters , helping women find the voice and self-confidence that life can sometimes steal from them.
She has addressed many audiences with presentations and workshops that warm, connect and inspire her audiences to grow, show up and approach life as a gift. Shewas highlighted on the cover of the Jerusalem Post when she addressed the women of the Kinnus HaShluchos Convention .
Chana Gittle is a Torah Observant woman, a wife and mother of 9 children, mother-in-love, and Bubbie – and has been blessed with a few “adopted” kids who have found their place in her home and heart.
She has also been a Mikva Matron, serving the needs of the women who come to the city’s one mikva that serves the numerous, diverse and united communities. A position she cherished while living in Pittsburgh.
Finding Joy In The Chaos
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