Simy Eisenbach
She is passionate about facilitating shidduchim with Menuchas Hanefesh. Her amazing and informative training courses are helping and empowering shadchanim and mothers of children in the parsha, bringing about l’chaims through her support, tips, tools, and guidance.
In addition to her extensive experience in teaching Limudei Kodesh, Mrs. Eisenbach is a mechaneches and mentor. She delivers inspirational shiurim and is a frequent presenter for Leshadech, Keiravtuni, and Shabbatons, offering concrete, helpful, tried, and tested advice in navigating shidduchim to singles and mothers.
Her private coaching and dating sessions are highly sought after, as she attunes to the specific needs of each client. Combining Torah-based hashkafos with pearls of wisdom from her years of experience in managing delicate and sensitive shidduchim, she guides her diverse range of clients from confusion to clarity.
Mrs. Eisenbach resides in Boro Park, Brooklyn, and is a proud mother and grandmother, B’H. Coming from a home of chinuch, she strives to emulate and instill Torah values in today’s confused generation of עקבתא דמשיחא. Her own experience with her children’s shidduchim is instrumental in empowering and encouraging parents through the journey.
From Confusion To Clarity
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