Yehoshua Berman
Rabbi Yehoshua Berman is an alumnus of the Yeshiva High School of Greater Washington, Yeshivas Toras Moshe in Yerushalayim, and the Mirrer Yeshiva of Yerushalayim.
In addition to his extensive experience founding and directing varying frameworks of limud haTorah including kollelim, children’s programs and more, Rabbi Berman is known for his inspirational shiurim and presentations on a wide variety of topics, contributions to Hamodia, Dialogue, Aish.com, and other Jewish media outlets, as well the sefarim that he has written and published: Reflections on the Parsha, A Malach in Our Midst, 101 Engaging Questions, Pictorial Parsha, and, most recently, Tatzileni Mi’Pega Ra (Hebrew) on the topic of child abuse in the frum community, as well as in-depth (not formally published) writings on the topics of shalom bayis and inyanei kedusha.
Intimacy Challenges, Solutions and Enhancements
0 Lessons10 Students -
Help! My Son Is Growing Up. What Should I Say?
0 Lessons0 Students -
Child Abuse – Definition, Dangers, Prevention, and Response
0 Lessons2 Students