Ohel Miriam

Product Categories


Good Care(6)

Good Care's innovative products, including sanitary napkins, nursing pads, and patches, are designed with cutting-edge anion technology to promote comfort and wellness. Each product features a patented anion surface made from nonwoven cloth infused with negative oxygen-carrying ions, offering natural, chemical-free benefits. Superior Absorption: Advanced double liquid-locking technology absorbs up to 4x more than standard…

Massage Candles(5)

Create a soothing and relaxing atmosphere with our massage candles. These dual-purpose candles fill the room with a warm, inviting aroma and melt into a luxurious, skin-nourishing massage oil. Perfect for setting a warm and inviting ambiance, adding sensuality to your moments together. Light the flame, let the fragrance soothe your senses, and indulge in…

My Shemen(6)

My Shemen redefines luxury wellness by combining the essence of nature with the art of self-care. Our carefully crafted products are designed to help you find personal harmony, connect with nature’s pleasures, and embrace the joy of relaxation. Using the finest ingredients, including the renowned "black diamond" of oils—cannabis seed oil—our formulations blend exquisite oils…


Ignite your intimacy with our luxurious massage oils, crafted to enhance connection and closeness. Perfect for setting the mood, these velvety oils create a sensual experience that nurtures your body. Infused with skin-loving ingredients and alluring scents, they glide effortlessly, turning every moment into a cherished connection. Rekindle passion and deepen your bond—let our massage…


This is where you can browse products in this store.

  • Good Care 6.1 Pantyliner

    Good Care Anion pantyliners and sanitary napkins provide relief for various conditions, including:


    Fungal infections



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  • Good Care 9.65 sanitary napkin

    Anion sanitary napkins that provides relief for various conditions, including:


    Fungal infections



    Irregular periods

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  • Good Care 11.42 sanitary napkin

    Anion sanitary napkins that provides relief for various conditions, including:


    Fungal infections



    Irregular periods

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  • Good Care 7.08 Pantyliner

    Good Care Anion pantyliners and sanitary napkins provide relief for various conditions, including:


    Fungal infections



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  • Kama Sutra Aromatics Massage Oil – Serentiy

    Infused with essential oils, these enticing formulas have been artfully blended to create uniquely intoxicating fragrances that have powerful effects on the mind, body, and spirit. These sensual oils…

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  • Kama Sutra Aromatics Massage Oil – Harmony Blend

    Infused with essential oils, these enticing formulas have been artfully blended to create uniquely intoxicating fragrances that have powerful effects on the mind, body, and spirit. These sensual oils…

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  • Kama Sutra Aromatics Massage Oil – Soaring Spirit

    Infused with essential oils, these enticing formulas have been artfully blended to create uniquely intoxicating fragrances that have powerful effects on the mind, body, and spirit. These sensual oils…

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  • Kama Sutra Massage Candle -Vanilla Sandalwood

    Kama Sutra Scented Massage Candles melt from a blissful fragrance to sensual massage oil in a matter of minutes. Infused with skin-conditioning Coconut Oil, and Vitamin E,…

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  • Kama Sutra Massage Candle – Tropical Mango

    Kama Sutra Scented Massage Candles melt from a blissful fragrance to sensual massage oil in a matter of minutes. Infused with skin-conditioning Coconut Oil, and Vitamin E,…

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  • Good Care Nursing Pads

    The next generation of nursing pads is already here!
    Super thin contains an anion surface – a patent based on natural medicine.
    For rapid absorption of liquids, adapted to the body,…

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  • Good Care Stress Free Patches

    Every household has a cupboard for various types of medicines, plasters and analgesics for both adults and children for various types of coping. We have another mandatory product in…

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  • Longer Pleasure

    Longer Pleasure is an innovating development of a dilation oil spray for men based on cannabis oil,  complex essential oils and botanical extracts for application on the male genital…

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Ohel Miriam is not endorsed nor affiliated with any Rabbonim or any other organizations. The products that are being sold were recommended by other speakers, kalla teachers and women participants, so while their Rabanim may okay these products, we do not substitute the role of your individual Rav, who is your posek for your personal halachic consent.
We do not take responsibility for any of the items’ halachic or kashrus status, and therefore encourage you to do your own research to find the right product that is both allowed and works for you.
None of these items have a hechsher besides the Maca vitamins which are kof-k.
Ohel Miriam only accepts returns within 7 days of receipt.  Buyer gets full credit for merchandise that arrives damaged.  Any other items that are returned UNOPENED will be credited less 8% restocking fee. Buyer is responsible for return shipping.