Ohel Miriam

Simply Together For Men

Knowledge and tools for enhancing physical intimacy in marriage
  • Class 1: Shalom Bayis: An emotional and physical bond
  • Class 2: What is Mitzvas Onah? Hashkafah and practical applications
  • Class 3: Mutual Enjoyment: Learning how a woman functions
  • Class 4: Creating a Bond that Lasts

Rabbi Moshe Davidsonย is a Mashgiach Ruchni and Chosson Rebbi who was trained by Rabbi Yitzchak Izik Silver of Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim. He has been a talmid of Harav Binyomin Moskovitz, Shlita for the past 20 years and lives in Yerushalayim with his wife and children.

  • This course is geared for men at any stage of married life who are looking for education and tools to enhance marital intimacy.
  • The basis of this course is the Torah Hashkafah on mitzvas Onah as taught to us by Chazal. This is the true pathway to a healthy, happy intimate relationship between husband and wife. Within that framework, we learn about basics in intimate functioning, understand male-female differences in the bedroom and get tools for building a solid connection with your wife.
  • The material in this course has helped many couples at all stages of married life experience more happiness and fulfillment in their marriage.