Ohel Miriam

Welcoming Space

“Get rid of the clutter, to welcome more space in your life”

  • Understanding how clutter affects our relationships and what to do about it
  • Igniting our marriage and home through decluttering
  • Understanding the cycle of clutter
  • The process of consumption and elimination in regard to clutter
  • Attachment to clutter and learning to let go easily
  • Bringing in the concept of emunah in decluttering and learning how to trust and let go
  • Tapping into an abundance mindset vs scarcity mindset
  • Learn how to welcome space in your life for your life’s mission, desires, and goals
  • Practical tools on how to deal with feelings of overwhelm, fatigue, and stuckness when trying to declutter

Hi. My name is Sara Lax. I’m a wife and mother.

My passion is to help women find their freedom and remove emotional blockages in order to enable them to reach their full potential.  I am the founder and facilitator of “Welcoming Space” and my mission is to help women learn to live a healthy and decluttered life.

I run workshops on decluttering and healthy living. Each participant learns to tap into themselves and find their own unique way of helping themselves. The classes are positive, supportive, and upbeat.

While couching women privately I help them find the areas in their lives that are holding them back in order to enable them to move forward.

I have burach Hashem been zoche to help countless women find their voice and freedom.

For any additional comments or questions feel free to contact me at (845)587-6459 or email me at Sara.welcomingspace@gmail.com

  • I can′t join live. Will there be recordings?
    Yes, you can hear the playback at any time.
  • Is there time for questions and answers in the workshops?
    Yes, each class has sufficient time for questions and answers.
  • I′m very busy. Will this class consume me during the week?
    Each person goes at their own pace. We set goals at every class, we set easy and manageable goals for the week.
  • I shop too much. Will this course help me bring in less clutter into my home?
    The feedback I get from previous participants is that people started saving lots of money by shifting their mindset and attitude towards clutter and objects.

Joining Welcoming Space helped me reach a deeper level in understanding myself and the way the things in my life depleted me of my energy. I have a newfound appreciation for keeping my house clutter-free and inviting in the positive benefits of letting go. Sara’s encouragement, positivity and knowledge have changed the way I view homemaking. Thank you Sara!

Leah L.

Sara taught me how to easily and effortlessly “lighten the load” my house is carrying. It was a fun and entertaining experience. I would definitely recommend this course for all homemakers!

Esther F.

I was never one to join workshops. Being a working mother I never had time to join. I also never felt that the workshops would impact my life.

Welcoming Space was an unbelievable experience! It granted me more time and space.

If you’re too busy to join, be sure to join.

CB, busy mother and teacher from Boro Park

When I listen to a speech and I feel inspired I imagine myself doing everything the speaker says. But five minutes later after the speech I forget what the speech was all about.

Welcoming Space has had an amazing impact on my life and the life of my family. It is an amazing workshop that has really changed my life in a very practical way.

CR from Boro Park

Sara’s workshop was very positive and upbeat. She is friendly and forms a personal relationship with every participant. She is down to earth and pleasant to listen to. Her classes are very helpful and she provides guidance to make it work. The workshops are very hands on and she addresses topics that we want to know more about or need assistance with.

S.T. from Boro Park

At first my husband was nervous to spend the money on the course. After the four weeks he was  amazed to see how we were actually saving money because I suddenly found myself thinking twice before purchasing new items.

Raizy F.

I was amazed to see how Sara interacted with each participant in a patient and friendly manner. I learned a lot about how to  interact with others by just listening to her interactions with participants in the group.


Welcoming space boosted my energy and self esteem! I’m  much more productive in my day now! Things in my life just got easier and it takes so much faster to do things!

Rivky F. from Monsey

I feel so much more productive in my life! Welcoming Space gave me a head start to Pesach cleaning! I’m even excited and looking forward for Pesach due to this course!

Malky D. from Lakewood NJ

I took the declutter workshop with Sara Lax. I enjoyed and benefited from it so much that I took it twice!

Sara is so knowledgeable and inspiring.  She puts all her heart into helping people.

The workshops were motivational, interactive and fun.  They really helped me to make significant progress in getting my home into order.

I am so grateful to Sara for her devotion to her clients.

Betty from Flatbush

What a gift you have given me! The motivation and support to accomplish what I have always wanted to!

Malky F.