Learn how to love yourself, forgive yourself and accept yourself. Decide on the type of
year you’d like to have. Start to see remarkable changed in your relationships.
Yom Kippur and Intimacy
The purity of real connection and love
Learn exactly how to get the love you want, so that every day with your husband feels
like the day of your chuppah- only better.
Succos and Wealth-
The riches that are available to you
Learn how to be a source of bracha and wealth in your home, so that you can be
showered with health, wealth and bracha. This is going to be a very sweet year, and
you will know how to get that for yourself and your family.
Simchas Torah and Joy
The happiness and joy of connection
Learn how to connect with a full and open heart, and take in the pure happiness of love.
Chany Rosengarten is a chassidish wife and mother living in Monsey. She has helped hundreds of women ranging from newly married to the matriarchs of large families acheive connection, happiness and peace in thier marriage. She works closely with rabbinic to being these powerful tools to women everywhere, so that every woman can have harmony and shulem in her home.
That is why these classes will not give you any work to do after the classes.
All you need to do is show up for the one hour of the class, and you will see a huge difference in your life.
Will there be a replay? The 9:00 timing doesn’t work for me.
I’ve helped women in the most challenging marriages see a significant difference, and you will, too.
Is there a Haskama on your work?
However, I always recommend that when in doubt if something is right for you, discuss it with your own rav. Your rav is the best person who can guide you.
What is the return policy for this course?
I wrote this letter to chany and asked her to share it with you to give you Chizuk and inspiration to obtain a beautiful marriage that you’re all so deserving of.
I’m coming from a place that was so hurt and in so much pain just a few weeks ago that I never believed I had a chance at full happiness again. I joined your course cuz I was at rock bottom and felt I had nothing to lose. I always felt that I am such a good person and it’s soo not fair that I landed in this marriage.
Prominent Talmid chochim & Mechaber Seforim
Dear Chany,
II am writing to you out of sheer gratitude. It’s hard for me to express the flutters I feel In my heart these days. I can feel it replacing the pain and heaviness I was constantly carrying around.
I’ll be honest when I heard about this course I was skeptical. Very skeptical. I have tried so many things and didn’t have the energy to raise my hopes again. I felt like my marriage was a lost case. Every period of “good times” was to be followed by an even longer period of struggling, strife, anger and hurt. I felt ashamed, abandoned and most of all lonely. My smile was pasted on my face but inside I was scowling to the world. I felt confused why me, i was the the top the girl supposed to marry the top bachur. What happened?
But bh thanks to this course I feel reborn, I’m lighter, I’m happier I’m freer! I wake up everyday with a real smile ready to tackle my day.
Its indeed magic how my husband wants to connect with me in a way I haven’ dared to dream. The little things I started noticing and then the big things are things I’ve asked him for years to do but he never understood why he should do it for me. All of a sudden he is doing all these things plus more. I was constantly stressed out of working on things I knew bothered him about me. I took upon myself 40 days to work on this middah and that flaw, it didn’t bring about lasting
This course is different I still find it hard to believe that simply by returning to myself my husband is running after me! Chany you’re amazing and your guidance is just so validating and encouraging!
I used to beg him to make me a coffee shabbos morning this past shabbos he took care of the kids and comes to me with a coffee to my bed! He wanted to connect and be with me almost every single night! He wanted to go to a gym class 930 PM. but gave me the choice when I want to go to sleep, making it up to me whether he should go or not. He is doing things I always wanted like reviewing my sons parsha questions and singing nice songs at the shabbos table. I feel like he listens to me now but seriously not like in the old ways with an half ear. Also yesterday he left his phone in car by mistake during supper and when he realized, he didn’t run to take it. I was like wow! Instead of me begging put your phone away he is doing it willingly! Sunday he came to me in work to bring me a coffee and something I left home , he wouldn’t you’ve done it in the past as a whole favor but now he did it gladly!
The list grows longer everyday bh and I believe what your saying that’s it’s only up and up , not up and down because it feels so real. The amazing part is that through rediscovering myself and connecting with myself I’ve been able to connect in other relationships much better as well. I feel like the old me is back. I’m able to use my talents, Enjoy being the social butterfly I was. Reconnect with my friends like the good old ways. I feel the flutters in my heart Healed, lighter and freer!
Thanks for the bottom of my heart.
Hillel K.
Things have been so busy and we’ve been traveling back and forth because we’re moving so there’s a lot going on and it’s exciting b”h! That’s part of my shefa story! I am getting paid over the summer for my old job and I’m not even working! I told them they didn’t have to pay me (especially because we’re moving) and they said they were going to do it anyway. I’m definitely open to receiving… and we are moving because I got an amazing job! So yes it’s quick, but the opportunity came up so last minute and it’s part time, which is what I wanted so I can still be a mother and wife first, and I will be making more than I have been making which I am super excited about! I feel like for the first time in my life I have money… This is my first real job part time where I will be making more than I’ve ever made before so I am very excited! So we’re moving for the job, but we’ve been wanting to move anyway, I feel stuck where we currently live so I feel like this is a win win on SO many levels!!! I cannot tell you enough how much I’ve enjoyed your courses and how they have been transformational in every area of my life, especially my marriage.
Thank you!!!
Eli M.
By the end of this course, you will
Elul is almost upon us. The Yomim Tovim are coming closer, and with them, tremendous gifts. One of the gifts of this season is that if we use this time wisely, we can achieve shulem, bracha and shefa in our home. The women is the source of bracha in her home!! Be the one to create shulem bayis, intimacy, a new appreciation and understanding, and everything your family wants and needs.
When we don’t understand the power that the Jewish woman has, in her own home, the lack of our understanding affects us greatly. Marriage becomes a struggle.
Your husband does not appreciate you at the level that you are worthy of. You work hard, but are not recognized. You feel lethargic, like there must be a better way to live. But you’ve tried everything, and it hasn’t really helped. You struggle to feel financially wealthy. Money comes and goes, but your desires remain unmet. You are afraid of the Gzaar din. You don’t remember which Aveira you did, but you feel uneasy awaiting the new year. You worry for your children. You worry for the year ahead. You feel stressed and worried.
Use this time to go from just-another yom tov season, just like every year, to learning how to love this time, and squeeze every bracha out of these special days for yourself and your family. In this four part series, you will learn how to be treated as the queen in your marriage, how to electrify your marriage, how to be happy, comfortable and connected, and how to bring bracha into your home.
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